Monday, October 01, 2007

Catholic Charities USA, Annual Conference

During the week of September 10, 2007, Dan Ledbetter had the honor of photographing the Annual Conference of Catholic Charities USA. There were many people from all over the country.

The conference began with some great music by an African-American choir led by a very energetic director.

The attendees were also treated to a great performance by the Steeles.

Those giving of themselves selflessly in helping others were recognized.

There were a variety of speakers addressing the issue of race and poverty. Dr. Robert Franklin, Jr. gave the keynote on Sunday morning, during the last session of the conference. Dr. Franklin is an author and educator and recently wrote Crisis in the Village: Restoring Hope to African American Communities.

Dr. Franklin and Janet Valente Pape, Chair of the Board of Trustees, pause for a photo.

The highlight of the conference was Saturday Mass at Covington, Kentucky's Basilica.

After Mass, the attendees marched across the suspension bridge from Covington to the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center. Given that the underground railroad ran through this part of Kentucky and Ohio, this march was a symbolic re-enactment of the slaves crossing the river to freedom.

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