welcoming them and giving them a brief overview of what they could expect

(if you do, please let me know), but it looks sumptuous.
After lunch the guests boarded a luxury bus to take a two-hour tour of the city, which included downtown landmarks, Mt. Adams, Newport and Covington.

wonderful little stories about Cincinnati to share with the guests. If you look
closely, you can see her in the mirror at the back of the bus.
After two hours sitting on a tour bus, the folks were famished. Skyline Chili was the next stop.
There to greet them was Mayor Mark Mallory.
The Mayor and Dan Lincoln talk about Cincinnati and answer any
questions the meeting planners had.
The guests being new to the whole Skyline experience, Dan and the Mayor explain
the difference between a 4-way and 5-way with beans or onions.

After an hour's rest, the entourage began their progressive dinner with cocktails at the Duke Energy Center. From there they made their way to the Cincinnati Art Museum for salad. The evening concluded with dinner and dessert at the Cincinnati Museum Center. Now think about this: they began at noon with an 1 1/2 hour 5-course lunch at Pigalls, then Skyline Chili at 4:00, and a progressive dinner beginning at 6:00. More in 24 takes on a whole new meaning.

Carla Ballard of Cincinnati USA poses with meeting planners from the Department
of Education.This was another very successful Fam Tour. The Cincinnati USA team and the member sponsors are all working hard to cultivate an excitement amongst meetings planners for Cincinnati as their meeting destination.